By Captain Mark

Float Plan:
Thursday October 25th - Depart Rock Hall
Oct. 27th - Nov. 3rd - Spend a week in Hampton, Va. with Salty Dawgs
November 3rd - Begin Fall Rally to the Caribbean
Planned stop - Bermuda
Destination - St. Thomas
Crew: Captain David Fife - Chief Mate
Judge Jimmy Lynn - Steward and Chief Provisioning Officer
Bob Schaefer - Chief Engineer
Captain Mark Einstein - Master and Commander

Island Girl's Caribbean adventure began the moment I first saw her in the early spring of 2016. Sadly unattended by her previous owner due to illness, I immediately recognized that she was destined to cruise the deep blue waters of the Caribbean. It was our great fortune to be able to adopt this beautiful lady and make preparations to fulfill our shared destinies.
Since 2016, Island Girl has completed over 600 90 minute cruises, a passage down and back up the ICW and has undergone extensive and expensive preparation for a southbound journey well beyond the horizon. Now, we are ready to go!
Question: "How do you know you're ready to go, Captain Mark?"
Answer: "Okay, stay with me now, Boss"...(pause) ""When I decided... to set out on this crazy adventure... I had just enough money to get the boat ready to go ... AND I AM OUT OF MONEY!! ""
The short list:
Add - WH below deck autopilot, storm trysail, storm jib, asymmetrical spinnaker with ATN sock, Skymate satellite communication system with email, weather and voice, Vesper Marine AIS transponder, 3000 watt Xantrex inverter, Professionally made lee cloths, third reef to main, Heinson boom brake/preventer, Forespar 13-24" line control whisker pole, Ronstan Whisker Pole padeye, whisker pole topping lift, major dinghy repair (like new), new Merc 9.9 four stroke outboard, new life raft inspection, Iridium satellite phone, two Ipads, Fortress anchor and stow bag, 24' Paratech sea anchor with 400' rode, Gale Rider drogue, new impellers and filters for engine and generator, new alternator (times 2), Signal Mate LED anchor light, new spinnaker halyard, new EPIRB w/hydrostatic release, Lifesling 2 and Lifesling 3 with Forespar Man Overboard pole, 10 auxiliary fuel containers with custom made stabilizing boards, Mack Pack w/lazy jack system, tethers and harnesses for all on board... and...there's more!
You can follow our journey by logging onto, Facebook or checking our website. Logs and position reports will be posted daily.
Stay tuned! Captain Mark - OUT!